
Domestika – Architectural Animation in 3D

Create 3D videos for your architectural visualization projects.

Being able to recreate the sensation a space transmits when you visit it for the first time is the objective of the photorealistic architectural video projects of the AMO 3D Visual studio. The studio is run by architects Antonio Martínez and Jesús Sanz, who have extensive experience in the field of animated and static info-architecture, as demonstrated in their first course Infoarchitecture in 3D.

In this online course, learn the entire process of animation, rendering, and assembly of a photorealistic 3D architectural video.

What is this course’s project?

Create a photorealistic architectural 3D animation of a previously created interior.

Who is this online course for?

Architects, interior designers, and people with a good foundation in 3D who want to take their video creation a step further.

Requirements and materials

You need a computer with 3ds Max, V-Ray, and Adobe After Effects installed. You should also have intermediate knowledge of these programs.

Format: MKV
Resolution: 1920×1080
Duration: 12 lessons (2h 25m)
Audio: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
Software: 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects, V-Ray,
Author: AMO 3D Visual

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